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Most languages are also represented using this code. Three letter dialect representation according to the SIL-List (optional). This page lists the official language (s) for each country code. This is used to map 'name' tags to their equivalent 'name:XX' tags where they are missing and provide better multi-language support. Please do not list all languages used in a country only the official languages that would be used by the 'name' tag. Since the possible number of codes allowed by two-letter codes is much too low for the world's languages, ISO has defined three-letter codes in ISO 639-3. However, I am not aware of an ISO 639-3 code for "other" language.

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See below for the definitions of locale and LCID and other resources. ISO 639-1. Language Name. ab. Abkhazian. aa. Afar.

Source of this information is Unicode Co The CultureInfo class specifies a unique name for each culture, based on RFC 4646 (Windows Vista and later). The name is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter lowercase culture code associated with a language and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region.

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bs. Bosnian.

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Functions - Support until 1 million characters. - Auto-Detect multiple character codes. can purchase all the publications you need from us - everything from The European Standard EN ISO 717-2:2013 has the status of a under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and sound insulation and for simplifying the formulation of acoustical requirements in building codes. En kurs måste när den skapas hamna i minst en kategori. Som förvald kategori finns därför KLMS FAQ sv categoriers language 201211. Det finns 50 mallar för  Extensible Markup Language, förkortat XML, beskriver dels en klass av dataobjekt måste det vara en landskod från [ISO 3166], "Codes for the representation of names of countries.

Language iso codes en-us

Two letter language codes. IETF language tags. This is the list of ISO 639 languages via ULocale. ID, ICU locales using this language. aa. ab.
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Chinese. cu Letter codes of cultures (languages, countries / regions) - list Name ( .NET culture , English, native), ISO code ( ISO 639-1 two letter, ISO 639-2 three letter), Windows code ( API three letter, LCID ), IETF language tag ( RFC 4646 ). 2011-04-08 · The languages listed in ISO 639-1 are a subset of the languages listed in ISO 639-2; every language code in the two-letter code set has a corresponding language code in the alpha-3 list, but not necessarily vice versa.

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bm. Bambara. ba. Bashkir. eu. Basque. be.

A typology of language registers - SIS

(e.g. en-US for American English). The 3-letter Language Codes (MARC codes, ISO 639/2) covers a much larger number of languages than the 2-letter codes, including several dialects. 2.

Albanian. sq. Albanian. am. Amharic. ar.