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Quarterly Economic Monitor Palm e r s t on N or t h City M arch 2 020 Overview of Palmerston North City Growth in Palmerston North’s economy continued to weaken in the March 2020 year with Infometrics’ provisional GDP estimate increasing 1.3%, down from a recent high of 4.2% in the December 2018 year. Quarterly Economic Monitor R ot o r u a D istrict D e ce m b e r 20 18 Overview of Rotorua District Infometrics provisionally estimates that Rotorua’s economy expanded by 2.3% over the December 2018 year, following GDP growth of 2.4% the previous year. Quarterly Economic Monitor Rotorua District December 2015 Overview of Rotorua District Rotorua’s economy grew by 2.9% over the year to December 2015 according to Infometrics’ provisional estimate of GDP. All indicators of spending, investment, and labour market activity were in expansionary territory. Quarterly Economic Monitor Marlborough Region September 2019 Overview of Marlborough Region Marlborough’s economy continues its solid performance. Infometrics’ provisional GDP estimate grew by 1.6% in the September 2019 year while electronic card spending on retail purchases rose 3.1%.

Infometrics quarterly economic monitor

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Infometrics’ provisional estimate for GDP showed growth in the district of 3.1% in the December 2017 year, compared to the national average of 2.8%. Quarterly Economic Monitor M a r lb or ou g h Re g ion Ju n e 2 0 20 Overview of Marlborough Region Marlborough’s economy contracted by 2% over the year to June 2020, in line with the national decline of 2.1%. In the June 2020 quarter, the region’s GDP was 14.9% lower than the same quarter in 2019, while the national economy contracted by Quarterly Economic Monitor M an awat u Ju n e 2 0 20 Overview of Manawatu The Manawatu regional economy contracted by 1.1%pa in the June 2020 year as measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic saw the provisional Infometrics GDP estimates for Manawatu District and Palmerston North City fall 9.0%pa and 8.4%pa respectively in the June 2020 quarter. Infometrics is an economics consultancy based in Wellington, New Zealand.

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If you have an account you can log in here.. If you don't have an account you can sign up with just your work email address. Posted on 23 July 2019 23 July 2019 by Jacqui Clarke in Building & property, General economics, New Zealand economy, Regional Tags New Zealand economy, quarterly economic monitor, regional economy Nick Brunsdon has recently joined the Infometrics Team.

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The District is strong on almost all indicators.

Infometrics quarterly economic monitor

Like the annual economic profile, these tables and charts are dynamic. Infometrics Manawatū Quarterly Economic Monitor. Click on the button below to discover an interactive overview of what is driving Manawatu's regional  26 Feb 2021 Infometrics' Quarterly Economic Monitor for the Bay of Plenty region indicates that as a whole, the region is showed a level of economic  Quarterly economic monitor. This report provides an overview key indicators of economic activity in Palmerston North and Infometrics' estimate of annual GDP  Economic activity over the year to December 2020 fell 3.4% according to provisional Provisional estimates from Infometrics show activity edging up 0.2 %pa in. Economic growth in Tauranga City remains above the national average of 2.9% pa, according to Infometrics provisional estimates. Retail spending in the local  Infometrics Economic Profile ». The Quarterly Economic Monitor provides indicators including GDP, traffic flows, retail spending, guest nights, house prices/ sales  We commission regular reports from Infometrics to track a range of measures across the region.
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Quarterly Economic Monitor only captures the initial economic ef fects of putting the New Zealand economy on life support.

Electronic card spending on retail purchases grew 6.1% in the September 2018 year, Quarterly Economic Monitor Taupo District March 2018 Overview of Taupo District The Taupō economy is booming. Infometrics’ provisional estimate of GDP shows that Taupō’s economy expanded by 4.1% in the March 2018 year, compared with growth of 2.7% in the national economy. Growth averaged about 3% throughout 2017. Quarterly Economic Monitor Taupo District June 2018 Overview of Taupo District Taupō’s economy expanded rapidly during the early stages of winter.
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In the June 2020 quarter, the region’s GDP was 14.9% lower than the same quarter in 2019, while the national economy contracted by The quarterly economic monitor report gives an insight into the economic performance of the Taupo District over a three month period covering GDP, international net migration, unemployment rate, traffic flows, residential consents, non-resident consents, house prices, house sales, car registrations, commercial vehicle registrations, guest nights, jobseeker numbers, retail trade performance, total dairy payout and tourism spending. Quarterly Economic Monitor Kap iti Coa s t D is t ric t M arch 2 019 Overview of Kapiti Coast District Kapiti’s economy is tracking well across most indicators, however weak building consents present a weaker outlook for the construction sector.

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Growth in economic activity is broad-based across most indicators of spending and investment. Commercial Infometrics economists are regularly out and about, engaging with clients/prospective clients or as part of scheduled roadshows. This page lists dates for scheduled presentation series, as well as key dates to mark in your calendar for when our regular reports and updates to web-based economic profiles and monitoring services are occurring. Quarterly Economic Monitor Palm e r s t on N or t h City M arch 2 020 Overview of Palmerston North City Growth in Palmerston North’s economy continued to weaken in the March 2020 year with Infometrics’ provisional GDP estimate increasing 1.3%, down from a recent high of 4.2% in the December 2018 year. Quarterly Economic Monitor R ot o r u a D istrict D e ce m b e r 20 18 Overview of Rotorua District Infometrics provisionally estimates that Rotorua’s economy expanded by 2.3% over the December 2018 year, following GDP growth of 2.4% the previous year. Quarterly Economic Monitor Rotorua District December 2015 Overview of Rotorua District Rotorua’s economy grew by 2.9% over the year to December 2015 according to Infometrics’ provisional estimate of GDP. All indicators of spending, investment, and labour market activity were in expansionary territory. Quarterly Economic Monitor Marlborough Region September 2019 Overview of Marlborough Region Marlborough’s economy continues its solid performance.

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A key factor behind Taupō‘s slightly better performance is that the district has higher exposures to industries that are Quarterly Economic Monitor Taupo District September 2018 Overview of Taupo District Infometrics’ provisional GDP growth estimate for Taupo District saw economic growth accelerate to 4.4% in the September 2018 year. The District is strong on almost all indicators. Electronic card spending on retail purchases grew 6.1% in the September 2018 year, Quarterly Economic Monitor Taupo District June 2018 Overview of Taupo District Taupō’s economy expanded rapidly during the early stages of winter.

Quarterly Economic Monitor Waimakariri District March 2015 Overview of Waimakariri District Economic activity in Waimakariri climbed a healthy 4.1% over the year to March, according to Infometrics’ provisional estimate of GDP. This growth, coupled with lower petrol prices, helped push up traffic flows by 3.4% over the same period. « Quarterly Economic Monitor – Reference quarter September 2020 Transport Forecasts – February 2021 » Infometrics’ online Regional Economic Profile provides an in-depth description of your region or district’s economic structure and performance over the past year and previous years.